Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Tattoos And The Tattoo Renaissance - 1554 Words
When studying the history of tattoos, pinpointing the first time a tattoo was seen was almost impossible to do until 1991. An Iceman, named Otzi, was found by German hikers in 1991. Otzi was found covered with at least 57 tattoos (Huffington Post). This is to show that tattoos have been around for more than fifty-three hundred years. Otzi’s tattoos were discovered to be therapeutic and they consisted of lines and crosses all over the body. The next oldest tattoos were found on the Chinchorro mummy. Chinchorro’s tattoos consisted of symbols and drawings, and were found to be decorative only. It is more than remarkable that even after 53 hundred years, similar designs, symbols, and drawings are still used to mark our skin. These findings†¦show more content†¦The media used to portray tattoos as spontaneous, reckless, and drunken moments in one s life. Now the media writes articles about good resources and how much money is needed to get a good tattoo (Roberts 155 ). Even though most middle-class working Americans have begun to accept tattoos, the question in the air is if America as whole accepts tattoos now. By labeling tattoos as garish, outlandish and having negative connotations, the author suggests that tattoos are still deviant (Roberts 155). For many people, tattoos can be a form identification, and too others tattoos are actions that will be marked as deviant behavior. 65% of people who were getting a tattoo, claimed to be worried about possible employment rejection. Because of this their tattoos were placed in concealed parts of their body (Roberts 163). A large percentage of college students have or have thought about receiving a tattoo. There is a notable correlation between honor students and tattoos. In 2014, data was collected from a small liberal arts college. The undergraduate population to this college is about fifteen hundred. The findings of this study are as follow: For both the Honor and non-Honors population, more female students had tattoos than male students. Overall, fewer Honor students had tattoos than non-Honors students (14% vs 30%). Parents with tattoos, for either Honor and non-Honors students, had an effect on whether or not they actually got a tattoo. DundesShow MoreRelatedInformative Speech On Tattoos1286 Words  | 6 Pages Tattooing is a body modification practice used for centuries across the globe. Because of the multiple origins of tattoos, there are several techniques and countless styles. Every tattoo is unique in meaning to the person that receives it, though often they can fit into generalized categories. Tattoos have fallen in and out of popularity over the course of history, though they have never and most likely will never disappear. II. Specific Purpose and Need to Know: According to WrittenRead MoreTattoos Have Different Meanings Or Significance1615 Words  | 7 PagesIn various societies, tattoos have had different meanings or significance. They have been popular for thousands of years in different cultures, as a common form of body modification. They can be symbolic of one’s self-expression, ‘a mark of individuality’, and body alteration as a compelling symbol. (Tiggemann Golder, 2006; Patterson Schroeder, 2010 as cited in Atik Yildirim, 2014). Tattoos have been around for so many years that its existence is unclear thus its origin remains a debate inRead MoreThe Addictive Draw to Tattoos Essay1508 Words  | 7 PagesTattoos have become more prevalent in our society over the last few decades. What used to be a social faux pa or a negative brand has come to be a more acceptable life choice in our culture. However, only those who have joined the inked-up club can describe the sensation of modifying one’s body with art. From the pain and tantric feeling from the stinging that is released as a person allows themselves to be marked for the rest of their life, and the hot pierce of the needle that gives a sensationRead MoreTaking a Look at the Tattoo Culture786 Words  | 3 PagesUp until recent time’s people adorned themselves with tattoos as a symbol of self-expression. However they are now most commonly used in mainstream culture as a means of self-decoration. Today’s generation of youth are experiencing a positive relation to tattoo culture. As they are in the middle of an increasingly â€Å"tattoo friendly†and â€Å"tattoo flooded†society. The aesthetic value of tattoos has exponentially increased as they become a more legitimate art form and are accepted as fashion accessoriesRead MoreCultural Tattoos Essay1539 Words  | 7 PagesTattoos and Their Cultural Relevance For as long as there have been people, there have been methods of distinction amongst them. Throughout the years we have discovered ways in which to express our beliefs, our ideals, and our passions. Tattooing has been one of forefront methods in expressing our humanity, or in certain cases, our lack there of. For so many, they have taken on many different representations, each with an equal level of significance. The importance found in the symbolism of tattoosRead MoreThe Body as Image - an Analysis of the Postmodern Characteristics of Tattoos in Contemporary Society2342 Words  | 10 PagesSynopsis, Marketing and Culture The body as image - An analysis of the postmodern characteristics of tattoos in contemporary society Introduction In recent years few terms have been so widely discuss as †postmodernism†in order to define its basic principals. Despite a lack of consensus, most authorities agree that postmodernism represents some kind of reaction to, or departure from, modernism and modernity (Brown 1993). The consumer of the modern society is distinguished by being self-reflexiveRead MoreTattoos : a Permanent Mark on Pop Culture Essay6526 Words  | 27 PagesThe word tattoo comes from the Tahitian tatu which means to mark something. It is arguably claimed that tattooing has existed since 12,000 years BC. The purpose of tattooing has varied from culture to culture and its place on the time line. But there are similarities that prevail form the earliest known tattoos to those being performed on people around the world today. Tattoos have always had an important role in ritual and tradition. In Borneo, women tattooed symbols on theirRead MoreHenna and Old Lady1502 Words  | 7 PagesHenna in Arab countries and India Henna is a type of temporary tattoo that dyes the skin for several weeks. Henna is made out of a plant that is dried, ground to a dust and then made in to a paste by adding essential oils. Henna got its start in the Arab culture and remains popular to this day and growing in popularity in other countries. The paste that is made is placed into a cone or bag that closely resembles that used by cake decorators. The paste is applied to the skin in intricate designsRead MoreBody Mods Are Civil Disobedience Essay752 Words  | 4 Pagesnaturally occurring scars due to accidents, animal attacks, and warfare. There is some archaeological evidence of tools associated with natural pigments that points toward tattooing occurring at least since 30,000 BCE. The oldest preserved skins with tattoos (aged 3000 – 6000 years) come from mummies from Egypt and peoples from the north that were trapped in glaciers. Autopsy of the â€Å"iceman†inferred that some of the tattooing was applied in a manner to effect medical, mystical, or magical healing becauseRead More The History of Tattoos Essays2153 Words  | 9 Pages A tattoo is a permanent mark or design made on the skin by a process of pricking and ingraining an indelible pigment into the punctures or by raising scars. This is the definition; however, to many a tattoo has more of an abstract, personal meaning. Tattoos symbolize individuality, experiences, status, religion, and art. They come in many shapes, sizes, colors, designs, and styles. The history behind the tattoo is just as fascinating as the tattoo itself. Whether flaunted or hidden, sought
Monday, December 23, 2019
Analysis Of The Odyssey - 864 Words
Symbolization of Temptation If you think about it there isn’t a day in your life that goes by without facing some kind of temptation. Temptation can be our biggest weakness, and I think that in Odysseus’s case it was his. In The Odyssey, Homer uses the siren scene to symbolize temptation in different ways. It represents how temptation can come in many different ways; and it can control us no matter how much we know that it is wrong to give in. In The Odyssey, temptation came to Odysseus and his crew from the sirens. This scene displays how temptation looks, sounds, and how it makes you act. First, it portrays how temptation looks. As Circe explains to Odysseus the sirens, she warned him â€Å"The sirens’ lucid song will so enchant him as they lie along their meadow. Round about them lie heaped bones and shriveled skin of putrefying men†, When she says this she describes what temptation looks like to almost everyone. â€Å"The sirens’ lucid so ngs†, looks on the outside, sweet, inviting, and harmless. On the other hand, which is the part people seem to not want to pay attention to, Circe describes, â€Å"Round about them lie heaped bones†; the consequences you have when you give into temptation and also the consequences many men had who followed the sirens. Just like the sirens song, temptation can come in any form in our life. It could be something as simple as food; even though we know we should not eat something bad, its taste overpowers us. We think that eating just one willShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Odyssey 1368 Words  | 6 PagesHolmes English H, period 3 11 November 2014 Hospitality: An analysis of xenia in The Odyssey William Shakespeare, in Timon Of Athens Act III Scene line 39 writes : I charge thee, invite them all: let in the tide of knaves once more; my cook and I ll provide†Shakespeare is explaining to his readers that he will invite everyone in and he will cook for them meaning that he will provide everything to his guests. Similarly, in The Odyssey Odysseus without knowing it is providing for all the suitorsRead MoreAnalysis Of The Odyssey 974 Words  | 4 PagesPrabakar Mrs. Kravchak Honors Humanities 1; Period 1 September 10, 2014 The Odyssey Joseph Campbell stated that â€Å"A hero is someone that has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.†He also believed that on the journey to being a hero, one must physically or mentally leave home, decide on a quest, encounter â€Å"dragons†, experience an all out struggle, be wounded, and finally obtain wisdom. In The Odyssey by Homer, Odysseus embarks on a journey to try to get back home to his kingdomRead MoreAnalysis Of The Odyssey 1011 Words  | 5 PagesName Tutor Course Date Close Reading Essay In Book X of the Odyssey, Odysseus gives a tale of his adventure in Circe’s Island. He also tells of his encounter with Circe, (X. 380 - 419). Circe’s equivocation, â€Å"Why, Odysseus, dost thou sit thus like one that is dumb, eating thy heart, and dost not touch food or drink? / Dost thou haply forbode some other guile?†(X. 380 - 381), portrays Odysseus sadness and worry for his men. Earlier in this book, he had narrated of how Circe had put a portion inRead MoreAnalysis Of The Odyssey 1689 Words  | 7 PagesThe Odyssey begins by describing Odysseus, a â€Å"man of twists and turns†(Homer 1996: 1) showing that this book is focused on the men, rather than the women. Shortly after, the first description of any womanly figure is â€Å"bewitching†(Homer 1996: 2), which shows that as the epic progresses, the description of most female adversaries would be negative. In Hippolytus, Aphrodite begins by saying that she â€Å"treats well who rever e her power†but â€Å"trips up those who are proud (averse) to her†(Euripides 2001:Read MoreAnalysis Of The Odyssey 1130 Words  | 5 PagesName: Instructor: Course: Date: The Odyssey is a remarkable piece of the ancient writing that provides a great insight into numerous matters in regard to the past as well as to the present. This poem is greatly appreciated for being a rich source of knowledge about the ancient Greek mundane life: the customs, the hierarchy, the polytheistic religious traditions and rituals. Nevertheless, it would be a great mistake to underestimate the Odyssey in respect to the study of the worldview of the ancientRead MoreAn Analysis Of The Odyssey 1251 Words  | 6 PagesMimi Wang Mrs. Kottke Honors 10 English 3/24/16 The Power of Women in The Odyssey Throughout literary history, women are portrayed as mere property or tools of men; however, women can also be shown as people who hold power in Homer’s The Odyssey. Women hold a significant amount of authoritative power over men in both their lives and mindsets, and this can be seen through Circe s powers that are able to manipulate Odysseus and his men, Penelope s tactics to stall marriage and her caution towardRead MoreAnalysis Of The Odyssey 1311 Words  | 6 PagesWilliams Ninth Honors Literature 6 October 2015 PsychOdyssey Tolkien once said, â€Å"Living by faith includes the call to something greater than cowardly self-preservation†. In this quote he captures the very essence of heroism. Homer’s epic poem â€Å"The Odyssey†follows one man, Odysseus on his hero’s journaey home from the Trojan War. There is no question as to whether or not his quest follows the steps of the hero’s journey monomyth. The hero’s journey monomyth is the universal link in all tales of adventureRead MoreAnalysis Of The Odyssey 1313 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"establish peace, gentleness, and justice†(Narayan 1972: 63) in the world. In Homer’s The Odyssey, Odysseus has an uncontrollable â€Å"fighting spirit†(Homer 1996: 227) that too often ends in misfortune. Despite these great differences, these two characters have one thing in common: they are widely regarded as heroes in their religion. This is just one of many distinctions between the two epics. In T he Odyssey, the afterlife consists of â€Å"the shambling, shiftless dead†(Homer 1996: 251) while in TheRead MoreAnalysis Of The Odyssey 3033 Words  | 13 Pages Vivian Tse Brother Pearce FDCA 206 5 November 2014 The Odyssey The Odyssey is one of the earliest epics that exists but is still a highly revered and relevant piece of literature in modern culture. This classic survives because the entire tale of Odysseus’ adventure is symbolic of our human lives and experiencesâ€â€it is life mythologized. Not only does The Odyssey highlight the heroic and triumphant side of the characters, but it also emphasizes the struggle between heroes’ ethos and their human failingsRead MoreAnalysis Of The Odyssey 1971 Words  | 8 PagesShane Nordquist English I Honors per. 4 1/22/16 response 1: The Odyssey, being an epic poem is likely to include several typical examples of personalities we are used to seeing. As epic poems often do, the Odyssey describes the Greek view of many of these core archetypes. Odysseus being demonstrated as the hero shows us the Greek value of heroism through his wonderful feats, and his downfalls, his sheer prowess, but also his flaws. In the Greek society, as in any, it is clearly evident that the
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Nandos Free Essays
string(32) " meet those of the competition\." Nandos ________________________________________________________ Nando’s, is a well-known fast food restaurant which was found in 1987 in South Africa. Nando’s is specializing in chicken, especially its unique Mozambican-Portuguese style of Peri-Peri Flamed Grilled Chicken. Nando’s opened its first international strore 12 years ago and the Nando’s Peri-Peri trail has blazed from South Africa across the seas to other 22 countries, comprising 400 stores worldwide. We will write a custom essay sample on Nandos or any similar topic only for you Order Now The signature menu item at Nando’s is a Portuguese specialty, Peri-Peri chicken which has a truly unique taste. Delicious alternatives and additions to Peri-Peri chicken include chicken breast burgers and pitas, prego steak rolls, vegetarian and bean burgers, chicken livers etc. Businesses today face three major challenges and opportunities which of course, as an international company, Nando’s is also facing the same challenges which bring opportunity to the business: Globalization, Technological Advancement and Outsourcing. Further details will be discussed in the following. Globalization, Technological Advancement and Outsoucing _______________________________________________________ Globalization is the growing integration of economies and societies around the world and legal system. That make people around the globe are more connected to each other than ever before. At a business level, we talk globalization when companies decide to take part in the emerging global economy and establish themselves in foreign market. Globalization means a company will adapt their products or services to the final user’s linguistic and cultural requirement. Then, take the advantage of the internet revolution and establish a virtual presence on the international marketplace with a multilingual corporate website or even as an e-business. Nando’s first created in South Africa and had a fast development overseas. Nando’s has decided to go to an international market. Different stages in term of globalization are possible. Nando’s has acquired overseas outlets and branches. Nando comprises 400 stores worldwide with 176 stores in South Africa and the rest in international markets. It plan to have rolled out excess of 600 quick service restaurants to world wide within 3 years serving peri-peri marinated, flame grill chicken and associated food items under the Nando’s brand name. In our opinion, globalization of Nando’s brings the greatest opportunities for higher economic growth and better living standards that more openness bring, policymakers to international, national and local. Chief executive Robbie Brozin had anticipated the fast food chain to introduce Nando’s unique flamed-grilled chicken to world wide. Nowadays, Nando’s already establish many restaurants in Asian like Singapore and`Malaysia. To define the models of strategy used, the four P components of the Marketing Mix will help us understand nando’s view. Nando’s needs have a big promotion for their products to create a successful global brand. The first promotion of their product is advertised their grill-chicken by using the poster method. They provide four-different color chicken and create a slogan for their brand â€Å"We’re all the same on the inside, Pauline†. Then it used a radio advertisement featuring a soon-to-be-grilled chicken parodying a recording made by Hanson. A vital part of low cost marketing strategy is to be flexible and topical and grab channel as soon as they arise to influence out of the publicity. Nowadays, Nando’s also create a website to introduce their tradition proteges food to world wide. Consumers can also download Nando’s peri-peri chicken recipes if they are interest to it. In Malaysia, the most attractive promotion is the Nando’s have classified their peri-peri chicken to four flavors, that is lemon-herb, mild peri-peri, hot peri-peri, extra hot peri-peri. These promotion is aim to attract the people who interest to challenge for the level of spicy of Nando’s peri-peri chicken with their spicy chilly sauce. Beside the well-known of the brand, its products are well-positioned for international growth because of the healthier image of grill chicken. The famous food of the Nando’s is their peri-peri chicken. The chicken are butterfly-cut and marinated for 24 hours before they are flame-grilled to succulent perfection and are basted with your choice of peri-peri flavour when order are taken. Nando’s are not change the recipe to prepare the peri-peri chiken while the peri-peri chicken is introduce to different countries because they want the consumer to enjoy a traditional Afro-Portugnese styled eating experi-perience and knowing the culture of their food at Nando’s. They are also ensuring that the ingredients to prepare the chicken are positive effect on life. For an example, the well known Nando’s peri-peri chicken has a high content of vitamin C and their peri-peri chicken release endorphins. By the way, they are only using A-grade chickens, which are trimmed of any excess fat before cooking. Thereafter, the chicken is flame-grilled on custom designed grills, which burn away most of the remaining fat. This means that Nando’s chickens are low in fat and cholesterol. The results of recent nutritional research have confirmed that Nando’s has a lot to crow about when it comes to health. However, comparing to its competitors, Nando’s has the advantages to provide a better quality and speed. As explained by Hume, they want to be the best, not the biggest. They found a niche market where they can develop their product. Nando’s not only recognize their food to the global, they are also promise that the Nando’s experience is universal. They ensure that consumers will find the same warm friendly service delicious chicken and a relaxed informal atmosphere when they walk in anyone of Nando’s restaurant. Beside that, Nando’s also want kids to share in the Nando’s experience, so they have special non-spicy flavour especially for children. They are intended that everyone can enjoy wonderful food and service in the restaurant In order to achieve globalization and challenge with the international competitors, Nando’s have to set their own price for each product. So, Nando’s have five options to review pricing strategy. First, adopt a ‘bugger them’ attitude and keep your prices as they are. Second, slash your prices to undercut the undercutters. This two option could find yourself in the bankruptcy court. Third, adjust your prices downward to meet those of the competition. You read "Nandos" in category "Papers" Forth, increase your prices and target a niche market. Select options three and four and need the financial clout to outlast the competition. The best bet is option five that is cut costs to lower your prices and add value to customer service. It involves using resources (human and material) more efficiently. It may involve restructuring organization from top to bottom. It will certainly involve developing a customer service culture. Nando’s will choose their restaurants located in the high population location. This restaurant is under franchise whereby, this restaurant can find it in certain place. Normally, we can easily find it in Midvalley, KLCC, 1-Utama. As a consumer, the cheap and better food is a first choice to them. It can not be denied that this restaurant is very convenient to consumer because after shopping, and then can enjoy this famous restaurant. The alternatively is this restaurant is very suitable for those people who are run out this means for the working people, this kind of people only 1 hour to enjoy their lunch, therefore, this restaurant is the better choice for them, because, the restaurant has this concept ‘ fast, cheap, near, convenient, best services, fair’. This concept really attack attention for this kind of people. If we discuss the convenient place which the restaurant is located? The question wants to ask that, what the ordinary people are regards as the convenient place. It can not be denied that everyone can but car, bus, taxi, LRT, to the nearest shop which the restaurant. The especially go through by LRT it is most convenient for people whatever go to certain destination. Therefore, due to this convenient of the traffic, the indirectly can promote he restaurant to people about the special food, special services and so on. The indirectly the special rest6aurant will also one of the food in this restaurant because of the convenient which to improve the business of the restaurant. Therefore, the convenient place is very important point. As we know that the changes foreseen over the next decade or two will be more comprehensive and have a higher degree of impart on every aspect of our lives than has ever been witnessed. Technology is advancing exponentially and the rate of advancement is accelerating; it is impossible to throttle back innovation and technological advancement. We need to approach policy decisions with a new predictive model that is built upon fact-based assessments. However, technology also provides the capabilities for countries to defend themselves- thus creating some degree of security. When we look at the rate of technological advancement or progress, we can see as time passes the technologically advanced and technologically disadvantaged to increase. Thus, a very good example is Nando’s UK. Nando’s UK is different to the other Nando’s chains world-wide in that its 70 odd stores are not franchises but directly owned and managed. Nando’s UK started with a range of line-of-business applications and separate Web-enabled solutions, all requiring professional developers to update. Basic changes required HTML and other development skills. This process made timely posting of content more difficult than it should have been, and the Intranet was not being used as effectively as it should have been as an internal marketing, communication and management platform. The solution had to have a single point of call, be easy to update, expandable, secure, utilizing the current structure with the ability to evolve, and be scalable. Nando’s IT department had built an earlier Intranet solution in-house. This experience had taught them the importance of security and authentication of users together with flexible user management within an expandable navigational structure. They also thoroughly understood all of the technical issues and problems and realized that the solution to these issues had to be esigned into the system at a fundamental level. When they went to market for a solution they knew how difficult and expensive it would be to develop an in-house solution and that there was no point in reinventing the wheel if there was a flexible system already in existence that could meet their requirements or could easily be adapted. High on their priority list was a solution that had already solved the problems of security, authentication, and int erfacing with third party applications allowing consistent branding. In addition they wanted a system that did away with the need for HTML staff to update content and allowed them to target these skills on enhancements. Non-technical users needed an easy-to-use application that would allow them to create and publish, directly to the site in a matter of minutes. In addition, the solution needed to be flexible and extendible so it could dynamically evolve to reflect changes within the company. Nando’s UK identified other requirements as the project evolved which ActiveWeb was flexible enough to address to produce a value for money solution to meet their needs. Furthermore, ActiveWeb responded to this brief enthusiastically and with a commitment which impressed Nando’s staff. For example, the project management had the technology expertise to instinctively understand what Nando’s wanted to achieve and how it could be achieved using ActiveWeb CMS. They had already solved the problem of ease of use security branding and expandability. Besides that, the ActiveWeb CMS solution empowered Nando’s content contributors to take control of their own content and take a far more proactive role in terms of prompting their individual areas. Moreover, the ActiveWeb cms is a NET development which ensures Nando’s has invested in a future [proof technology solution which can be integrated with back office systems, when required, with the Intranet and Extranet. Outsourcing is purchasing a significant percentage of intermediate components from outside suppliers. Furthermore, this also refers to a company buying services from another firm. For example, if company X is outsourcing its e-commerce services, it means that it is relying on another company to do this job rather than doing it internally with its own employees and resources. Many companies, like IBM, outsource much of their production to Taiwanese firms. In addition, outsourcing is the transference to third-parties, the performance of functions once administered in-house. Outsourcing is really two types of service: ITO – IT Outsourcing, involves a third party who is contracted to manage a particular application, including all related servers, networks, and software upgrades. BPO – Business Process Outsourcing features a third party who manages the entire business process, such as accounting, procurement, or human resources. In this case, Nando’s has taken Portuguese food to the world. For decades during the twentieth century, tens of thousands of people emigrated from Portugal, some to search for better lives, others to escape desperate poverty. And with them went much of Portugal’s entrepreneurial spirit. Initially, the migrants were fleeing a military dictatorship which governed the country for almost half the century: Under the rule of Antonio de Oliveira Salazar, wealth was greatly concentrated in the hands of a small upper class, leaving the rest of the population without the spare cash or opportunity to ever consider large scale business propositions. After the military leaders were toppled in 1974, ending 48 years of dictatorship-ideas about profits and free enterprise were further curbed for years by the country’s left-wing rules. But now the entrepreneurs are back, as symbolized by the rapid rise of the popular Nando’s chain of spicy chicken restaurants-â€Å"official taste of Portugal 2004†. ________________________________________________________ From the opportunities offer, Nando’s has now operated in the fiercely competitive international markets for years. It has stood the test of time and today it is an international high-street brand trading successfully in many different international countries with equally diverse cultures and customer needs. The Nando’s culture and chosen empowerment style has proven to be particularly suitable in adapting to this global expansion path. How to cite Nandos, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
My Goal Essay Example For Students
My Goal Essay Personal GoalsThis is an essay about my personal goals that I have set for myself. I have set many different goals in my life. Some goals are more important than others, but all are important to keep. Our goals in life make us what we are. They distinguish us from the people around us. Personal goals have a tendency to change over time, as you, yourself change over time. Goals in my life are important to me, as they should be, but sometimes people stray from their goals due to impulses or greed. I hope, in the future, I can follow my goals carefully and not stray from them. One of my goals that I set for myself is to do well in school. Now that I have graduated from high school I will go onto college. I will be attending Santa Clara University in the fall where I will be spending the next four years of my life enlightening my mind. Another goal of mine is to get the training and education I need to get a good, productive job that I will enjoy in the future. I have decided that I want to work in and around technology and business. I know that in order to fulfill my dream I will have to put in a lot of hard work and time. Another goal of mine is to one day get married, but first I would like to travel around the world and see all the different cultures, before I get tied down to one place. I would also like to have kids one day. Not too many, because I know how much trouble they get into, and how much of a nuisance they can be sometimes. Becoming a parent has its ups and downs, but the joy of having a child is One of my goals is to be the best I can in ho ckey. I am currently enrolled in a hockey league, and I would like to get back to tournament style competition. Hockey has made me the person I am today, and I want to take my abilities to the highest level. I think participating in a sport helps give structure and discipline to peoples lives. It also helps to keep your body in shape and out of trouble. My first step towards my future is a college education. To be successful in this, I must have the determination and the will to succeed. In order to do this, I must have the will-power and the dream that I have strived for all my life. If everything goes as planned, that dream will surely follow. Bibliography:
Friday, November 29, 2019
The Omega House Hospice free essay sample
This case study is based on a hospice by the name of Omega House. Due to financial distress, the Omega House was closed for several years. Thankfully, the Social Action Consortium (SAC) assumed responsibility for the Omega House; and it was able to reopen for those terminally ill patients who were in need of the best care during their remaining days. Ellen started off as a full-time nurse at Omega House who was deprived of sleep. Although the position as a nurse was exhausting, Ellen was able to go home from a day of work and leave any problems she had right there. However, three years into working at Omega House, Ellen was given a temporary position as the program director there. As the program director at Omega House, Ellen took on the managerial responsibilities as well as clinical oversight of patient care. At the time of being given this position, Ellen had no managerial experience on her. We will write a custom essay sample on The Omega House Hospice or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page When she agreed to the position, she also agreed to managerial training by the Social Action Consortium. Unfortunately, two years later with this â€Å"temporary†position still in tow, Ellen still awaits that training. Luckily, Ellen had a strong clinical staff, a devoted kitchen crew, and a dedicated volunteer coordinator. The one thing Ellen always found herself discomforted taking on was her managerial duties when it came to her Social Action Consortium relations. Before the Social Action Consortium took responsibility of the Omega House, many employees remember the structured hospice; when mandated changes come about, these very employees are skeptical and tend to hesitate. However, they are left with no choice but to follow the orders of the Social Action Consortium. Ellen took great concern about the Omega House’s financial history, which is why she thought George, Omega House’s new development officer, would be of great assistance to the hospice. George came with an expertise in professional fundraising, which obviously could be of great use to the Omega House considering they still suffered from financial distress. Ellen felt that since George had been hired with money from a development grant previously given to the Omega House, he should spend most of his time serving the needs of the Omega House. However, that was not the case once Ellen decided to take interest in what George had been doing for the Omega House. Ellen found it difficult to completely trust George when she found out based on gossip that George’s past job history involved a personal indiscretion that had led to his termination with another employee. After learning from a fellow employee, Dan, that George comes into work at different hours every day, Ellen took it upon herself to confront George later on that day. Moreover, Ellen felt that need for a talk when she came to an understanding that the numbers in fundraising efforts hardly changed from the last year. Being that Omega House employs George, these numbers need to be showing significant change. As Ellen went to approach George, she finds him at the photo copy machine making his own personal copies. Although he provided his own ream of paper, the three hundred copies were still costing Omega House. Even though Ellen does not enjoy putting on this tone, she felt the need to mention that very fact to him. George was nice enough to offer a reimbursement for the copies. As they sat in the office to discuss George’s work for the Omega House, Ellen started by complimenting George on the â€Å"casino night†fundraising event that took place a week ago and went very well. Ellen felt the need to change the mood from the disciplinary one it was just in. George was supposed to be leading an internal committee formed by Ellen in order to advance fundraising tactics for Omega House. Lisa, the temporary intern, was taking on the leadership role more than George even attempted. This was a problem considering George was assigned to Omega House for the purpose of raising money so Ellen can fulfill her facility needs. When Ellen asked George to participate more in the committee meetings, George said that he needed to focus his energy more on SAC’s needs rather than Omega House. At the end of the conversation, Ellen made it very clear that George’s salary comes out of Omega House and not SAC’s, hence he needs to reconsider where he’d like to invest his energies. Issues/Factors Issues at hand of this case study would be in regards to employees knowing their positions. George, in my opinion, seems to think due to his expertise, attending those meetings and completing work-related duties at his workplace are unnecessary. Some may describe this behavior as arrogance, and I happen to agree with that. Furthermore, George is displaying more loyalty to the Social Action Consortium rather than to the actual workplace that provides his salary, Omega House. He also lacks respect when speaking to ones above him. Ellen clearly did not appreciate his tone when she approached him. As an employee for Omega House and working under the orders of Ellen, George should not have the ability to question where his loyalty lies or whose orders he should be following. I feel that George thinks he was assigned to Omega House as a favor to Ellen and he doesn’t need to follow her orders. George has the idea that he only has do what the Social Action Consortium tells him versus what Ellen at Omega House orders him to do. In any workplace, ethics plays a hefty role. Knowing right from wrong is something George needs a better understanding of. All in all, both insubordination and unclear loyalties are the problems. Furthermore, Ellen is still unsure of herself as a program director and the managerial functions that come with that title. In order to carry through her duties, including disciplinary ones, Ellen must have full confidence in herself. Despite walking into this position with no experience and no intentions on doing it for a long period of time, Ellen seems to be doing a fairly good job and should always remain rest assured of just that. Strategies/Recommendations If I were in Ellen’s place, I would conduct an extensive meeting amongst myself, George, and Lisa. At this meeting, everyone’s position will be made crystal clear including me. George will grasp a better understanding of who pays him, what duties he must complete, as well as, what tone to use when speaking to those above him. Ellen did not approach him with an intention of disrespect, she just wanted to know why attending those committee meetings were not happening for George. He claims his energies needed to be more focused on the needs of the Social Action Consortium rather than Omega House. George needs to understand that he was assigned to Omega House to help raise funds to facilitate needs of Omega House; if he cannot show improvement in numbers from the last year than he needs to step his game up. If attending those meetings has proven to be beneficial to Omega House’s financial aspect, then George should do so considering he’s the expert in fundraising. Lisa, the temporary intern, should not be attending those meetings as the leader. Lisa should also be aware of her duties and whose orders she should follow. It’s great that she wants to take on a bigger role and it’s an even greater learning experience for her; however, because of that George does not display cooperation in these meetings. As for Ellen, Ellen needs to always be sure of herself and her managerial responsibilities. It seems that she is doing a pretty good job as the program director at Omega House, she should be confident. She knows where she stands in the business; she just has to reassure others of their positions every now and then. At the end of the meeting, neither harm nor disrespect should have been relayed to anyone. If anything, everyone should have a clearer understanding of their positions at Omega House and what they should be contributing to the success of Omega House. Insubordination will no longer be tolerated. Unclear loyalties will now be crystal clear. Considering that George’s salary comes from Omega House’s budget, his time should be well invested into Omega House’s fundraising activities. Ellen has proven to be a good program director and should continue to do so. Conclusion I feel that meetings where everyone brings their issues to the table and contribute to finding ways to resolve them are always resourceful in a business. Ellen needed to make sure George knew his place at Omega House and with a meeting she had the ability to do so. George had the ability to learn where he should focus his energies. Insubordination is defined as defiant of authority or disobedient to orders. That is exactly what George displayed to Ellen and Omega House. George being more concerned with fulfilling his duties for the Social Action Consortium rather than Omega House is an example of unclear loyalties. Insubordination and unclear loyalties were the issues at hand with George. Hopefully a meeting set out strictly for clarification helped in eliminating those issues for Ellen.
Monday, November 25, 2019
The eNotes Blog Every Book ASurprise
Every Book ASurprise Ah, the instant gratification of the vending machine. Always there when you desperately require a dozen eggs or a business card, and no dilly-dallying about it! Well, perhaps thats only in Japan Regardless, the capabilities of the vending machine have now been pushed to new levels in Toronto, where you can now find the amazing, the wondrous Biblio-Mat. With the Biblio-Mat, customers of Torontos second-hand bookshop The Monkeys Paw can snag an obscure, out-of-print book for just a Toonie. (Thats Canadian for $2.) The one catch may be that when you insert your 2 bucks into the machine, you have no idea what book it might divulge. Then again, thats also half the fun; rumor has it that the Biblio-Mat, aside from being the first vending machine of its kind, also possesses psychic abilities in its book-granting powers. So if you dont like the book you get, well, you probably have the imagination and enthusiasm of a mollusk. Other fun things about it are the retro mint exterior, not unlike a 1950s refrigerator, accompanied by the mechanic clank upon the Biblio-Mats mystic delivery. When a customer puts coins into it, the Biblio-Mat dramatically whirrs and vibrates as the machine is set in motion. The ring of an old telephone bell enhances the thrill when the customer’s mystery book is delivered with a satisfying clunk into the receptacle below. Another fun fact: bookshop owner Stephen Fowler initially envisioned the Biblio-Mat as a metal locker with his assistant inside, delivering books upon payment. The end result is almost as good, only because nothing really beats a human hand emerging from the other side of a vending machine (though it probably would have violated several fair employment laws). Also, I secretly believe that every ATM hides behind it an elf, and every automatic door a man with a thin piece of string, but I think thats just me I just love this idea and cant wait to see what book within the psychic interiors of the Biblio-Mat awaits my next visit to Toronto. Check it out in action below! *No assistants were subjected to confined spaces in the making of this vending machine.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Asthma Essay With Conclusions
Asthma Essay With Conclusions Asthma is one of the major chronic respiratory conditions which alter the respiratory function of the body. The World Health Organisation or WHO (2012) defines asthma as a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways characterised by frequent episodes of breathlessness and wheezing. This difficulty in breathing is caused by the swelling and constricting of the airways. Exposure to allergens, pollutants, cold air, infection and exercise can increase the risk of asthmatics having an attack (Funnel, Koutoukidis and Lawrence 2009). This essay will discuss on the pathophysiology, diagnosis, medical management and clinical manifestations of asthma. It will also cover the client education needed to provide for those with asthma, asthma’s risk factors and its prognosis. According to the National Asthma Council of Australia or NACA (2006) more than 2.2 million Australians are suffering from asthma. This essay will therefore also describe how asthma impacts on its victims and their life style. Kaufman (2011) describes the pathophysiology of asthma as a pathologic condition which affects the lower respiratory tract by narrowing the airways as a result of epithelial damage, excessive mucus production, oedema, bronchoconstriction and muscle damage. In asthma the cells in the epithelium layer can be destroyed and peel away, making the respiratory tract more susceptible to allergens and infections, thereby contributing to airway hyper-responsiveness (Kaufman 2011). Asthma also triggers the development of mucus cells and mucus glands. This increases mucus production, thus forming mucous plugs which can obstruct the airways (Monahan et al. 2007). Airway oedema is another change that occurs in the respiratory tract due to asthma. It involves the dilation and leaking of capillaries in the airway walls which limits airflow (Kaufman 2011). Monahan et al. (2007) add that increased capillary permeability and leakage can obstruct the airways due to swelling. They also explain t hat the inflammatory agents such as histamine, tryptase, leukotriences and prostaglandins act on smooth muscles of airway walls and cause bronchoconstriction which restricts the airflow to alveoli. Brown and Edwards (2012) write that wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness and cough are the most common clinical manifestations of asthma. They can occur especially at night and in the early morning and can vary from person to person. It is not necessary to have all the symptoms at once as different symptoms can occur at different times. According to NACA (2006) frequent cough, feeling weak, wheezing after exercise, shortness of breath and sleeping difficulties can be early signs of asthma while severe wheezing, continuous cough, rapid breathing, anxiety, chest pain, blue lips and fingernails are the symptoms of severe asthma attacks. Diagnosing asthma can be done by obtaining a detailed history, performing physical examinations, pulmonary function testing, and laboratory assessments (Ignatavicius and Workman 2010) According to Ignatavicius and Workman (2010) it is important to ask patients about any experiences of having shortness of breath, cough, chest tightness, wheeze and increased mucus production as well as about their smoking habits and any family history of asthma. The same source write that physical examinations can be performed by listening to the patient’s chest for any wheezing sounds and observing respiratory effort by assessing the respiratory rate and examining whether the patient is using any accessory muscles to breathe. They add that the shape of the chest also needs to be examined, as a barrel-shaped chest can be a sign of prolonged asthma. In addition, the oral mucosa and nail beds need to be examined for any bluish tinge (Ignatavicius and Workman 2010).
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Child Development Theories in Focus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Child Development Theories in Focus - Essay Example Focus will be on Brofenbrenner’s Ecological Model which links development to the child’s various factors in the environment that influence the child’s experiences, learning and growth. The selected developmental stage to be discussed in this paper is the early childhood stage (age 2-6 years). In order to have a clearer picture of early child development, other theoretical frameworks by Piaget, Erikson, Freud, Maslow, Vygotsky and Bowlby shall also be referred to in conjunction with Brofenbrenner’s model as the theoretical framework of this paper. If applicable, the significance of the theory to early childhood children shall be discussed especially if the theory describes certain developmental stages. Brofenbrenner’s Ecological Model (1979) explains that the behaviour and development of an individual is an interplay of the individual’s biological and personality factors, his environment and the society and culture he was born into. Brofenbren ner also claims that effects of interactions between the individual and his environment are two-directional or characterized by reciprocity. This means that while a child’s development is influenced and moulded by his family, school and peers, he likewise influences and moulds the behaviour of others. The growing child moves through five systems that inter-relate and affect his development, namely, the microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem and chronosystem. The most basic ecological level is the microsystem, where direct contacts between the child and his immediate surroundings result in behaviours such as dependence or independence and cooperation or competition. An example of this is the home base of the child and his relationship with his family. The pure culture of the society the family lives in greatly influences how the family lives and how the child imbibes the culture as he expresses it in his developing personality. The microsystem is usually where the chi ld first develops attachments to his significant others like his parents. John Bowlby’s (1982) Attachment theory posit that attachment provides children with a sense of security, promotes communication and the expression of feelings and becomes a secure base for children to discover their world and eventually learn self-regulation and self-control. It is a devise that contributes to children’s developing sense of self. Research done by Rudolph Schaffer (1977) and Jerome Bruner (1977) yielded the concept of ‘joint involvement episodes’ (JIE’s) which may be related to the quality of attachment a child and his or her mother or significant other has. The researchers observed mothers’ and their babies’ behaviour while focused on a potential learning episode. While jointly involved in play, for instance, they fall into a turn-taking pattern of behaviour and such cooperation teaches the child about the rules of their play within a safe and se cure environment with a familiar adult. This gives him more courage to explore his world knowing he has a safe base to return to. The next level of Brofenbrenner’s Ecological model is the mesosystem, which comprises the linkages and processes that take place between two or more settings with the child in common. A perfect example is how learning in school is supported by follow up lessons in the home. At this level, the child gets to understand associations between people and things.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Schools Sporting Day Memoir Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Schools Sporting Day Memoir - Essay Example  In a Schools’ Sporting Day that I witnessed in summer, various events took place. Our group converged at the field by 9 am and a welcoming note was given by the school’s representative. Since we were a large group, the team had to separate into five groups to compete against each other the various sporting activities for the day. It was in summer and so the sunny weather was comfortable for the event. A compeer took the mandate of controlling the tournament from the begging to the end following set rules and regulations. As such, the compeer read and explained the rules governing the event and spelled out disciplinary measures against any violators. He also delegated the powers to record resultant scores to three assistants for purposes of establishing the winners. We said a word if prayer put on the sporting attire, and started the warm up for the event. After 15 minutes of light exercises, we were ready for a challenging yet exciting sporting day. To improve the l evel of participation in the tournament, we chose to run all the sporting activities as relay races. Moreover, to incorporate the abilities and skills of every participant, the event had a wide range of challenges where one would score points on skill, participation, and teamwork. Classic races were the kick starters of the event and included welly waging, three legged dashes, relay race, egg & spoon race, wheelbarrow race, bean bag on the head, space hopper race, sack race, skipping race, and obstacle course.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The Chrysalids Essay Example for Free
The Chrysalids Essay Despite what many might think, It is a clear fact that The Chrysalids has been written, read and acknowledged as a warning for today’s society in many ways as I will elaborate more within the following paragraph such as; different types of racism still in our society, we still have this fear that god might be sending us a message through actions like disasters and This book is well known across hundreds of nations all over the world. Chrysalid has been around for several centuries and has a very important meaning in the lives of many. It would be safe to assume that this specific piece of Wyndham’s work is going to be around for a long time and have an enormous impact on the lives of many people. If a person or community fears change and diversity in my opinion they are refraining themselves from a better tomorrow, instead of creating a convergence to create and work towards a better future. In the chrysalids the Waknukian community is inhumane to any deviation by showing inflecting rejection and degradation, in simple terms the waknukians are racist. In the Chrysalids, by john Wyndham, the people of the frontier community are those who discriminate against those who are different in any way both physically and mentally, this act of discrimination has done nothing but foster and nurture a society that is cruel and inhumane. They think anything different is blaspheme, which is sent by the devil to misguide them into another tribulation. I think even people in today’s society still act in this way, maybe not to this extreme or obviousness but to an extent. For example, when someone is overlooked for a job because of the color of their skin, nationality or their appearance, it might not evident or they might not be straight forward
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Business Ethics in Todays Corporate World Essay -- Business Morals Et
Business Ethics in Today's Corporate World Business ethics is part of today’s society whether you like it or not. There are many things happening in today’s corporate world that needs to be opinioned. Are ethical judgments merely a matter of personal opinion? Yes because we live in a free society I think that most ethical judgments are based on a matter of what you believe in. Everyone has the right to think differently. There will also be similarities and differences in your ethical point of view because of religion, race, and education but I don’t think it will be much different than someone else’s opinion if it all comes down to these factors. I also think that personal opinion can be attributed to how sensitive the topic is. For example same sex marriage is a very sensitive issue as well as abortion. When you look at the news and see corporate giants like Enron and WorldCom a question mark comes to my mind. I ask my self what happened to the conscience of the people making decisions in the corporate offices. I believe that a lot of the decisions are made because of self-interest. These executives were looking out for themselves and forgot about the shareholders of the company, which are equally important because they own part of the corporation. That is why we are seeing all of these corporate scandals on the news today! Ask yourself if you think what Microsoft did was ethical. When you think about Microsoft’s antitrust case it reminds you of a corporate giant that makes decisions in their self-interest. They didn’t care if they were hurting another company. The company that was most hurt from these illegal business practices was Netscape. Microsoft wanted to eliminate its competitors by performing business practices that would hurt other companies in its market segment. We all know what happens when there is no competition? Companies raise prices because of the law of supply and demand. I guess it’s all about competition. If a corporation doesn’t have good bu siness ethics would it be a good idea for that company to do good works in the community? I would say no because if the executives that run the company have no integrity whatsoever to make decisions in their company what makes you think that they are going to care about the community in which they are suppose to volunteer in. The image of a company is very important and if the c... ...nies need to be more careful in selecting or hiring employees. This will decrease the discharging of employees for no reason. If I was an executive I would like to have the freedom to do whatever it takes to make the business succeed. If it comes to firing someone that has done something wrong then I would sit down with that person and explain to the individual the wrongdoing. The companies that follow the principle of the EAW believe that if they own the company and manage it then they have the power do what they want. I don’t have a problem with that, but is it morally wrong to fire someone because they have done nothing wrong. This is were I disagree with the company. Companies should be able to do whatever they want with there business as long as they follow rules and regulations. They need to consider that people have feelings and when you are making a decision that is going to affect someone you need to let them know why it happened. If the person fired has a family and you are discharging them for no reason you also have to think about that this person has a family and that the company has a say whether this person will make a living while he or she looks for another job. Business Ethics in Today's Corporate World Essay -- Business Morals Et Business Ethics in Today's Corporate World Business ethics is part of today’s society whether you like it or not. There are many things happening in today’s corporate world that needs to be opinioned. Are ethical judgments merely a matter of personal opinion? Yes because we live in a free society I think that most ethical judgments are based on a matter of what you believe in. Everyone has the right to think differently. There will also be similarities and differences in your ethical point of view because of religion, race, and education but I don’t think it will be much different than someone else’s opinion if it all comes down to these factors. I also think that personal opinion can be attributed to how sensitive the topic is. For example same sex marriage is a very sensitive issue as well as abortion. When you look at the news and see corporate giants like Enron and WorldCom a question mark comes to my mind. I ask my self what happened to the conscience of the people making decisions in the corporate offices. I believe that a lot of the decisions are made because of self-interest. These executives were looking out for themselves and forgot about the shareholders of the company, which are equally important because they own part of the corporation. That is why we are seeing all of these corporate scandals on the news today! Ask yourself if you think what Microsoft did was ethical. When you think about Microsoft’s antitrust case it reminds you of a corporate giant that makes decisions in their self-interest. They didn’t care if they were hurting another company. The company that was most hurt from these illegal business practices was Netscape. Microsoft wanted to eliminate its competitors by performing business practices that would hurt other companies in its market segment. We all know what happens when there is no competition? Companies raise prices because of the law of supply and demand. I guess it’s all about competition. If a corporation doesn’t have good bu siness ethics would it be a good idea for that company to do good works in the community? I would say no because if the executives that run the company have no integrity whatsoever to make decisions in their company what makes you think that they are going to care about the community in which they are suppose to volunteer in. The image of a company is very important and if the c... ...nies need to be more careful in selecting or hiring employees. This will decrease the discharging of employees for no reason. If I was an executive I would like to have the freedom to do whatever it takes to make the business succeed. If it comes to firing someone that has done something wrong then I would sit down with that person and explain to the individual the wrongdoing. The companies that follow the principle of the EAW believe that if they own the company and manage it then they have the power do what they want. I don’t have a problem with that, but is it morally wrong to fire someone because they have done nothing wrong. This is were I disagree with the company. Companies should be able to do whatever they want with there business as long as they follow rules and regulations. They need to consider that people have feelings and when you are making a decision that is going to affect someone you need to let them know why it happened. If the person fired has a family and you are discharging them for no reason you also have to think about that this person has a family and that the company has a say whether this person will make a living while he or she looks for another job.
Monday, November 11, 2019
War Horse
Intro : â€Å"Incredible. Beautiful. Emotionally amazing. I could not live without this book! † Ella from Hampshire. â€Å"This was the best book I have ever read. Words can't describe how good it was. Just read it. † Jordan from America. â€Å"I thought War Horse was brilliant! It is the most touching book I have ever read, and I would recommend it to anyone, even if they aren't animal lovers! †concurs Megan from Stafford. This is one of the best books I have ever read and I would recommend it to everyone as it not only touches the hearts of any animal lover, but it also shows you the dreadful conditions of the First World War and the hardships they must have faced. † Grace from England. â€Å"This book was recommended to me by a friend and to put it into a few words†¦ I loved it. I laughed and cried, I love reading. †Jessica from Tamworth. Plot : The story is narrated by the horse, Joey – which I wasn’t exp ecting.He tells the reader of his experience at the farm where he is raised by Albert, his experience in France during the war and of the friendships he makes along the way. He sees some awful things in France, a fair amount of death and hurt, but what shines through this book is love – he has people care for him and he develops lovely friendships with many people in the book. He has Albert, the boy who raised him and trained him on the farm; Topthorne, a fellow horse in war with him and Emilie, a little French girl who looks after both him and Topthorne whilst they are camped at her grandfather’s farm.Friendship is the key factor in this book, and it can clearly be seen throughout the book. Told through the eyes of the book’s protagonist, Joey the horse, the story manages to provide a neutral statement on the attrocities of war. Joey, a tall red thoroughbred who takes the breath away from anyone who looks at him, is taken from his stable in Devon and thro wn into a war zone. Here he meets friends and enemies, but the distinction between the two is not based on German vs English.He relates with those who are nice and fears those who threaten him. It is Joey’s friendships that help make the book work as well as it does. Equestrian friend Topthorn offers hope when despair surrounds them whilst friendly officers and youthful German Emillie only have Joey’s best interests at heart. It is Joey’s relationship with original owner Albert that is most touching, the two only being separated by the onslaught of war.The brave and hopeful language used throughout the book is inspiring, as is Joey’s commitment to his friends. There are some truly worrying moments toward the end of the book whilst the vivid moments of battle bring the reality of war back to the reader. Joey’s will and determination, perhaps best signified in his unifying trip into no man’s land, is inspiring and forms the crux of the book. Not just a children’s book, War Horse is a delightful, if rather harrowing, read, telling the story of friendship overcoming the horrors of war.Script-wise, War Horse is nothing to send you galloping home having seen a tightly drawn play. The ecstatic result you'll feel at the end happens because of the magnificent puppets. There are various birds (vultures, songbirds and one sassy goose), but it's the horses, of courses, that make this a ticket worth buying  once for you, and a few more times as early Christmas presents for your friends and family. They won't require anything more.Designed by Adrian Kohler and Basil Jones for South Africa's Handspring Puppet Company, Joey and his full-grown-horse co-star, Topthorn, are life-size, graceful creations each puppeteered by three humans (Christopher Mai, Derek Stratton and Rob Laqui for the red thoroughbred Joey; and Jon Hoche, Danny Beiruti and Aaron Haskell for the black beauty Topthorn). Puppets w hose manipulators are in view of the audience (such as in bunraku, the closest style to what we get here) are a success when you stop noticing their humans. That happens surprisingly soon here. Almost immediately.The puppeteers, in costumes of the era like the other actors playing human characters, move fluidly and cohesively as one gorgeous beast, which is a feat when you consider that the horse is exceedingly graceful for such a large mammal. The trio make the equine sounds together, and give Joey a distinct personality through movements of the ears, tail and head. Still, the play wouldn't be nearly as successful or popular without the sharp design and effortless maneuverability of the horse puppets. There's an anti-war story here, but the bigger theme is the love story between man and animal. And ultimately, between audience and theatricality.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Effect of concentration on Nacl solution Essay
In this assignment we will be focusing on one property, which influences the electrical conductance of an ionic solution. Compounds can be held by a covalent or ionic bond, which depends on the nature of the bonds. In case of ionic compounds (we also call them electrolytes), the force of attraction is present between the ions, which have opposite charge. One of the ions has a positive charge, which is called a cation, and the other has a negative charge, which is called an anion. This attraction is called an ionic bond. Ionic compounds1 form crystals in which anions and cations are held together with force of attraction. Ionic compounds are also known as salts mostly. They are usually hard and brittle. They are solid at room temperature and they have high melting and boiling points. They conduct electricity in solution because they dissociate into ions when dissolved in water, which are free to move. These ions carry the electrical charge from the anode to the cathode. Properties of salt solutions, which influence their electric conductance:2 The temperature of the solution. The magnitude of the charge on the ions. The concentration of the ions in the solution. The liquid used to dissolve the ionic substances in. The size of the ions. I would like to investigate that how the concentration of the ions in the solution affects the electric conductance of the solution. Aim Our aim is to figure out the answer of the research question through this experiment Research question What is the relationship between the conductivity of the ionic solution and concentration of the ionic compound (electrolyte)? Hypothesis When an ionic compound dissolves in water, the ions usually break apart and diffuse throughout the whole solution. Ions conduct electricity because they are mobile and carry charge with them. In this case, the ionic compound (NaCl) will be dissolved in water, this causes the ions (Na+ and Cl-) to diffuse in the solution and resulting in them conducting electricity. It happens because the sodium holds one excess electron and Chlorine is in need of one electron, resulting in sodium giving one electron to Chlorine when they get separated. As a result of this, the Chlorine becomes electrically negative and the Sodium becomes positive. This is the chemical reaction which occurs- NaCl(s) ? à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ ? Na+(aq) + Cl-(aq) When we put electrodes in the solution, the positive ions (Na) will migrate to negative electrode and negative ions (Cl) towards the positive electrode that’s how electric current will flow. The conductivity of a solution depends on the concentration of the solution. In water, it is the ions that pass electricity from one to the next. This means that the more Na+ and Cl- contained in water the more electricity is carried, and the higher the conductivity. If the solution of water and NaCl is more concentrated (NaCl in large amount), its electric conductance will be more than if the solution is less concentrated (NaCl in a smaller amount). Therefore in my opinion, the greater the concentration of the ions, the more the conductivity of the solution will be. Variables: Controlled variables: temperature, voltage applied (in this case 10 volts), the electrolyte (Nacl) used with water to make a solution. Independent variables: The concentration of NaCl solution and volume of water. Dependant variables: Electric conductance measured by an ammeter. Plan for experiment In this experiment we will be using NaCl solution as the ionic compound (electrolyte). We will be placing the electrolyte in water as to create a concentrated solution. Different amounts of NaCl and water shall be mixed to prepare the solutions, which have different concentrations so we can compare the electric conductance in different cases. This giving us an idea of how the electric conductance of the solution would change when the concentration of the solution is increased or decreased. So then from the experiment we can draw a conclusion on how the concentration of a solution affects the conductivity of an ionic solution. Two electrodes are placed and a potential is applied across the electrodes. Then electric current is measured, which passes through the solution. The electric conductance facilitates by the charge on ions. So we can say that the conductivity of the solution is directly proportional to the concentration of its ions. Materials: Goggles Electrodes made of copper Lab coat ( 2 sizes available small and large) 5 beakers Tissue paper Demineralized water – 425 ml in a washbottle as to make it easier to be more accurate while pouring water in the beakers NaCl – 75 ml Ammeter Voltage Power supply Stirring Spoon Measuring Cylinder Experimental set-up Diagram Steps of the experiment: Safety precautions 1. Wear lab coat to prevent clothes from any damage, which can be caused. 2. Wear goggles for safety measures. Checking materials 1. Make sure all the materials are present. 2. Take out 4 glass beakers and set them out on the table. Solutions preparation The solution chosen is NaCl. In the five different beakers, there will be different amounts of water and different amount of concentrations of NaCl will be added. The amount of water will decrease with the increase of concentration as to keep the same volume of the solution, which is 100 ml in total for all 5 cases. These 5 solutions are prepared in 5 different beakers. We use a measuring cylinder to measure the amount of water and measuring beaker for NaCl solution. 1. 1st solution -Take 95ml water in a beaker and then add 5ml of NaCl solution. 2. 2nd solution – Take 90 ml water and then add 10ml of NaCl Solution. 3. 3rd solution – Take 85 ml of water and then add 15 ml of NaCl Solution. 4. 4th solution – Take 80ml water and then add 20 ml of NaCl solution. 5. 5th solution – Take 75 ml of water and then add 25 ml of NaCl solution. Measuring the conductivity / amount of electricity created 1.To measure the electric conductance, we need to first create a circuit by using a pair of copper electrodes. The electrodes are supposed to be placed on an electrode holder, and tightened with clamps. 2. Connect the electrodes with a wire to the ammeter and also with the power supply. 3. Immerse the electrodes in the beaker. Note: Keep the electrodes as far apart as possible (2 – 3 inches), don’t let them touch or the power module will be damaged.3 4. Now turn on the voltage power supply and make sure to put the current limitation to maximum so that there is no interference at all with the result. Note: Do not touch the electrodes after the power supply is turned on. 5. To control the amount of voltage turn the button to 10 volts, it doesn’t matter how many volts are applied as long as the value is kept the consistent throughout the whole experiment. 6. Monitor the conductivity of the solution for 4-5 seconds on the ammeter until it become stable. Making observations: 1. Record the conductivity value in your data table. 2.Make sure to clean the electrodes after taking measurement. 3. Then place the electrodes into 2nd, 3rd and 4th and 5th solutions respectively and record the conductivity in the table for each case. Cleanup: 1. Empty all the beakers in the sink then wash and dry them. 2.Remove ammeter from the electrodes. 3.Dry up the electrodes with tissue. 4.Place all materials back into the cupboards. Data and Observations Amount of NaCl (in ml) Conductance (in amperes) Amount of water (in ml) The graph shows the relationship between the amount of Nacl and the conductance. Conclusion The line represents the conductance. Results: I’ve presented all my data in form of a graph, it will show the co-relation between the conductivity4 and concentration 5of salt solution. On the horizontal axis I have placed the Nacl concentration and on the vertical axis the conductivity of the solution. We can then draw a conclusion after looking at it. After doing the experiment, I can conclude that if an electrolyte is dissolved in water, it completely dissociates into ions and the electrolyte would contribute to conduction of electricity to the solution. In this experiment, NaCl dissociates into Na+ and Cl- ions, which made it possible for water to conduct electricity. The conductivity of the solution depends on the concentration of the electrolyte and behaves differently for different concentration of the electrolyte. As we can see by the graph, if we start increasing the concentration of the electrolyte (NaCl), the electric conduction will be increasing accordingly. So we can get to the conclusion that the conductivity of the solution is directly proportional to the concentration of the electrolyte solution. Evaluation: In overall I find that this experiment went very well. My hypothesis turned out to be as I had assumed it would, as the conductance did increase with the increase of concentration. Although there was mistake we did at first, which was creating the wrong circuit by connection the wrong wires which caused the conductance on the ammeter to be show in negative. However we soon figured out our mistake and then re did the circuit after which we got successful results. My results are reliable up to an extent as we tried to make our experiment as accurate as possible. We made sure that no extra solution was left on the electrode holder whiles taking measurements by cleaning them so that the conductance wouldn’t be affected. Also we applied the same amount of energy to each solution so that it wouldn’t contribute to the conductance. During measuring the amount of water we took a considerably accurate account and tried to make sure that there wasn’t a big difference. However there were a few things we could have done better to get even more reliable results. We could have taken an average of the readings of the solutions whose conductance kept changing and wouldn’t become stable. Also a larger gap could have been taken between the amount of concentrations such that to assist in making conclusions in a much easier way. We tried to consume as less time as possible and were able to finish our experiment in sufficient time. In my view we were also extremely organized in the experiment as we knew exactly what we had to do , and any small mistakes which we made we were able to solve them. Fair testing: There should be reasonable difference in the concentrations of the NaCl solutions used for the experiment to get more reliable result. Keep electrodes for sometime in each solution, and as soon as the reading is stable, note it down on your table. Stir the solutions properly before putting electrodes into it to make sure that NaCl has mixed properly with water in each case. Clean and dry electrodes before putting them into different solutions. The amount of the voltage applied should be the same in each case. Follow up Experiment: We are investigating on the various factors that influence the conductance of an ionic solution. In this experiment we concentrated on how the concentration of a solution affected the conductance. So the follow up experiment should be focusing on another influential factor, which in my view should be how temperature influences the conduction of an ionic solution. I also find this a really interesting topic to continue investigation on. This experiment will give us an even better understanding of conductance and electrolytes. References 1. â€Å"All about ionic compounds.†Web. 13 Dec. 2009. . 2. â€Å"Concentration -.†Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Web. 13 Dec. 2009. . 3. â€Å"Conductivity of Electrolytic Solutions.†UCS Home. Web. 13 Dec. 2009. . 4. â€Å"Experiments in Electrochemistry.†Fun Science Gallery – Scientific Experiments for Amateur Scientists and Schools. Web. 13 Dec. 2009. . 5. â€Å"Factors Affecting Electrolytic Conductance †Web. 13 Dec. 2009. . 6. â€Å"The HiddenCures G-2 Water Ionizer User Instructions.†Google. Web. 13 Dec. 2009. . 7. â€Å"Ionic compound -.†Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Web. 13 Dec. 2009. . 1 â€Å"Ionic compound -.†Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Web. 13 Dec. 2009. . 2 â€Å"Factors Affecting Electrolytic Conductance †Web. 13 Dec. 2009. . 3 â€Å"The HiddenCures G-2 Water Ionizer User Instructions.†Google. Web. 13 Dec. 2009. . 4 â€Å"Conductivity of Electrolytic Solutions.†UCS Home. Web. 13 Dec. 2009. . 5 â€Å"Concentration -.†Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Web. 13 Dec. 2009. .
Thursday, November 7, 2019
5 Ways to Prove Your Workplace Leadership Skills
5 Ways to Prove Your Workplace Leadership Skills This time of year is pretty blah†¦the holidays are long over, and you’re so far into your new year resolutions that- let’s be honest- you’ve probably lost track of them. It’s time for a jumpstart! One way to get back into your fresh January groove is to start building your leadership skills at work. These strategies can help you set yourself up for success for the rest of the year, even without that lovely new goal scent.1. Steer conversations.This is not to say that you should bully people into a particular outcome, or try to establish a particular point of view. This means stepping up when there’s a group situation, and making sure everyone stays focused on the task at hand. If a meeting seems to be meandering away from its purpose, be the one to say, â€Å"That’s great, but can we clarify how that applies to X?†or â€Å"I think that’s a great point, and we should set up some time to talk more about it after we finish u p here.†This not only keeps your attention where it should be, but it also shows people you’re committed to getting things done.2. Be proactive.Whenever possible, don’t wait for assignments to fall in your lap, or for your boss to tell you the next steps. Try to figure out what the next steps will be. And if they fall within your role, confirm that you’re handling them.If you’re not positive what the next steps are, confirm with your boss that you think X, Y, and Z need to be done- does she agree? Or if it’s clear that a group email conversation is slowly turning into a death spiral of unproductiveness, set up a meeting (with a set agenda) where everyone can call in or get in the same room to hash things out.Notekeeping is a great way to be proactive. In meetings, jot down notes about who was there, what major points were discussed, any open questions that still need to be answered, and whatever the next steps are. Then email them to everyon e who was at the meeting, ideally the same day. It may sound tedious, but it shows everyone that you’re taking the initiative to own the process. And it may save the day when, three days later, everyone’s having the same discussion over email, and you can be the hero who steps in with the reminder of what was already discussed/decided.3. Ask for feedback†¦This isn’t just a give-and-take between boss and employee. You can apply it to your meetings and everyday interactions with colleagues too. If you run a regular meeting, ask the attendees if the format works for them, or if there are any changes they’d like to see. (This can be done discreetly, over email.) Ditto for any workflows or processes that you’re in charge of running. It shows that you’re actively interested in making things better for everyone involved.4. †¦and be prepared to give it.This is an area that calls for your best workplace diplomacy- and it’s not an ope n invitation to criticize people. If you think a process could run more efficiently, and you have an idea of how to do it, pull your coworker aside and ask if he has thought of doing it a different way. It’s very collaborative, and can build your relationships as well. Don’t be afraid to share your (polite and professional, please) opinions!5. Be a single-tasker on big projects.If you have a high-profile task or project, set aside time that’s devoted just to that project. Most of us have jobs that require juggling a number of tasks and projects at once- but for top priorities, make sure you have time built into your schedule when you can concentrate fully on one at a time. No email, no new requests, no meetings.If your concentration is best in the morning, block out an hour or two right when you get in the office. If you have your best ideas late in the day, set a 3 pm â€Å"hunker down†time. The idea is to show commitment to your highest priorities, and develop the confidence to say, â€Å"This is what I’m working on right now†without letting others distract you.Even if you’ve let your workplace goals, uh, lapse a little, don’t sweat it- it happens to everyone at some point. But you don’t have to wait for the end of the year to start fresh. A little stepping up goes a long way, and you can start building your leadership skills ASAP.
Monday, November 4, 2019
English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
English - Essay Example The effect is devastating to health. One out of three children who were born from 2000 will contact early onset of diabetes and among the minorities, that will be one in two or 50 %. Outbreaks of E-coli are already common that takes toll to our health due to unnatural way of growing and processing this foods which are demanded by fast foods. Second Paragraph: Hidden Cost in Encouraging Locally Produced Food (perhaps you have to re-evaluate this, I saw the movie and this does not fit) The hidden cost in encouraging locally produced food is that is that it is more healthy because it is grown by farmers in the natural way and as such organic and healthy. When the food that you buy does not have to travel that long, no preservatives are added to it to store it longer. It will also discourage multinational corporations, especially the fast food corporations, to control and demand how the food industry should be produced. When their control is weaken in the food industry by encouraging loc ally produced food, the mechanization of the food industry will also be discouraged. Third Paraghraph: Hidden Cost in Encouraging Others to Shop Locally Shopping locally will create demand for the local produce of the farmers and will make their products more viable in the market. As the movie puts it, the answer should not be David fighting Goliath but local producers should be like Goliath.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Human motor development a lifespan approach Research Paper
Human motor development a lifespan approach - Research Paper Example The lifespan approach studies an individual over the relapsing and progressive stages of growth. Socialization in human motor development is very important because through it people learn who they are and how we are connected to other people. When a child is born, the process of socialization starts and this period is most crucial for the process because it is at this stage that we acquire identities like culture, language and acquire personality. This process continues further even into adult life. As a child grows, it enters into different stages and are expected to socialize with different people. There are different ways that are used to teach socialization to their children as they grow (ONeil, 2011). Formal education, one of the ways, is the knowledge that teachers pass onto children and is a crucial period for children as they grow into adults so as to socialize properly with the people with whom they will interact. The other one is informal education which can be passed on through many forums and it involves imitating what is done by others, experimenting and practicing basic skills that are being done by others. Cognitive development is the growth of the thought process which includes the ability to remember things and events, solve problems, and arrive to decisions through from childhood to adult hood. It is known that babies start to be interested in their surroundings and to explore them from birth. As children go through different levels of growth, they are able to for example, smile, recognize close family members, respond to name become inquisitive and do various other things as they undergo cognitive development. Unless the child undergoes cognitive impairment, or the affecting of this process by factors like autism and other leaning disabilities or illnesses, this process is systematic throughout life. When there is deprivation, research has shown that it affects motor development. Children who have been brought
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